My web host recently installed PHPSuExec and now my XOOPS site is acting funny. I've read the FAQ, but I'm still not sure what to do. For example:
XoopsGallery won't let me add, modify, or delete any album or photo that was there before PHPSuExec was installed. Its like I've lost all permissions to do anything with it. I can still view the photos, so I didn't loose them; but I just can't do anything with the photos or the albums. If I create a new album, everything works fine in the new album. Is there a way to recover the "pre-PHPSuExec" albums?
Also on my News articles, I can't edit or delte any article that is "pre-PHPSuExec".
Is there some global method for fixing this problem?
I'm still looking for other effects.
Thanks in advance.