I agree and you shouldn't need to replace the whole core to do this.
Hopefully as it does say mith had some part in it, hopefully he will see this thread???
If you do see this could you help us and other XOOPS members or anyone else for the matter who knows the XOOPS core like the back of their hand.
You see last time when I asked mith anwsered and sugest something onlong the lines of the multisite hack.........
Yet do we really need to go that far.....?
Is it not possible to make XOOPS members files that don't use the standard mainfile.php.
Yet the members have a a second file for direction, that is similar to the mainfile, yet only for members database function and points at the server you need.
Or is that where it gets complicated... as with in modules they only call the mainfile to get the functions.....
Ok then we add to the mainfile an members? database use mainfile 2, which then has a second set of members files, you can have with your first XOOPS site, with out changing the originals for most fuctions, yet just when a module calls for the members it goes where you direct it.....
Is anything along these line possible?? can a core team member pass this on as I think it is a useful XOOPS feature for all of us!!!
For instance we could do this with XOOPS module dev, and here making it you could even set groups for xoopers and newbees without to much problem or change to us...
Can we......please!!!