Whoa! You have three possibly very different questions/issues here. Asking them all in one post may not help get you the answers. Let's get some clarification:
First what version of xoops, php etc are you using. It is almost always necessary to indicate this.
I want to add a secondary MutiMenu that is only avaiable to users logged in. Problem 1) whenever I enable the second menu, the wehole site goes blank. Problem 2) I wasn't able to find an option to restrict it to logged in users.
Have you searched on Multimenu? Chances are you will always have some troubles with a second installation of a menu if that is what you have done. the expert on Multimenu may not yet have picked up on this thread but if you were to post specifically on help needed for it you may get an answer.
When I enable the minical block for ExtCal, might site goes blank.
Turn on php and smarty debugs and see what comes up. Check the FAQ on blank pages. Use the tutorials for debug listed in the find helps docs thread linked below...and if you still cant find an answer post a thread specific to this module with the version information.
3. Quote:
Lastly, if you go back to the home page and press relaod a bunch of times and watch the loading of the page, you will see that randomly the site will slow down a lot to load the random image. Is there anyway to fix or optimize this?
The immediate answer: Turn off random images in your blocks admin
The more gruelling way - Search for terms like loading times and website speed and see what others have had to say - there are a whole host of reasons why this may be happening and ways of deciding which path to take to make it go faster.