I installed XOOPS to my rootfolder.
After struggling with the installation, I finally made progress, and all things was just fine. I had to use a subdomain like mydomain.com.myhost.com during installation because the domain was not transferred yet.
Today my domaintransfer was ok. Thinking that mianfile.php holds the physical/virtual path changes where made there.
Orginal mainfile:
// XOOPS Virtual Path (URL)
// Virtual path to your main XOOPS directory WITHOUT trailing slash
// Example: define('XOOPS_URL', 'http://mydomian.85.seekdotnet.com');
define('XOOPS_URL', 'http://mydomain.85.seekdotnet.com');
After Changes:
// XOOPS Virtual Path (URL)
// Virtual path to your main XOOPS directory WITHOUT trailing slash
// Example: define('XOOPS_URL', 'http://mydomain.com');
define('XOOPS_URL', 'http://mydomian.com');
The physical path was left intouched, as there had been no changes to that.
When trying to go to mydomain.com/index.php I get the familliar log in box. However, using my username and password created during insatllation does not work.
I get an error saying:
Selected module does not exist!
What went wrong here? Could it be that I have tomake changes to more then the mainfile.php? And if so could people tell me what files needs to be changed?