My web host has disabled the phpfunction "fsockopen" on my shared server that i need for the paypal IPN in xdonations.
my server's php settingsI asked them politely to enable the function but they refused saying "we would have to open it up on the whole server causing a security hole".
I've heard that you can change php's configurations using htaccess.
Is this true? and does anyone know exactly what I'd need to enter in the htaccess to enable this function?
I've been searching around for a couple hours and the closest example i can find is this...
php_value include_path ".:/usr/local/lib/php"
php_admin_flag safe_mode on
If anyone can lend me some advice, it would be much appreciated. I would like to avoid finding another host because I've already pre-paid for the year
I hate Mortal Kombat