What MadNav means (I think) is find this line in mainfile.php
define('XOOPS_ROOT_PATH', '');
it should be around ine 34; the define should have your path defined.
Sometimes rather than an echo to see what the values are (and to avoid "headers already sent" messages), you can send yourself an email, find these lines in mainfile.php
if ( strcasecmp( substr($xoopsScriptPath, 0, strlen(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH)), str_replace( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', XOOPS_ROOT_PATH)) ) {
exit("XOOPS path check: Script is not inside XOOPS_ROOT_PATH and cannot run.");
before those lines add this code ..
$to = "isronax@exmple.com";
$from = "isronax@example.com";
$subject = "Script is not inside error message";
$message = "$xoopsScriptPath = " . $xoopsScriptPathn";
$message .= "XOOPS_ROOT_PATH = " . XOOPS_ROOT_PATHn";
$headers = "From: $fromn"
mail( $to, $subject, $message, $headers);
you will need to change the vars $to and $from to your email address. I _think_ the syntax is okay ??
BEFORE you do any mods to mainfile.php, backup it up.
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