XOOPS Version:2.0.13
Module Name/Version: news 1.44
PHP Version: not sure which one the server is using, have both 4.4 and 5.0.4 installed (suggestions?)
MySQL Version: 4.1
Web Server Software (Apache/IIS/Other):apache 2.0.54 prefork64
Operating System: mandriva 2006
Theme you are using: default
Custom template: (Yes/No) no
A full description of the issue:
On our site we use XOOPS for news releases and what not and have regular html pages for the main index and most pages. I have the rss functions of the news module working(tested with google personalized) and was wondering if there was a way via php scripting or some language to have those rss feeds displayed on the main index of the site. Example: say on the main page we have three program areas and underneath each program area we would like to see the newest piece of news to show up from that news topic and be clickable to the XOOPS news site. Would this be possible, how could I go about it.
Thanks for any information,