I am toying around with XOOPS right now to see if I can use it to replace my current site setup (osCommerce, Mambo, IPB 1.3).
My current oscommerce shop uses a few contributions, and I'd want to include some of these in it if I do end up switching to Xoops.
My questions:
1. Can I safely overwrite the xosc files with my current osc files?
2. Since I haven't tested it yet, does xosc use the XOOPS login? osCommerce regulary uses email addresses for logins, which I know is a reason some have had trouble integrating it with other portals/forums/etc.
3. Can I transfer my current osc database safely, without changes (or many changes)?
4. If I can't replace the xosc files with my current osc files, then does xosc work with STS templates, as well as other osc contributions?