Here is my site
http://www.jonja.netAll things Sci-Fi and Fantasy. News, reveiws and opinion pieces.
We have weekly reviews of new episodes of Battlestar Galactica, Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis.
We also do review of DVD's, some horror and Anime projects.
We try to hold a "live" Sci-Fi quote game in the Chat room that is really a lot of fun at least once a month, but we are working on doing more than once a month.
Plus we have over 220 free flash games in the "Arcade" that keeps track of high scores. So you can compete with other users for high scores. You must be registered in the forums for it to save your high scores (its free) The Aracde is located in the forums.
Plus we are working on getting some exclusive information on a new Sci-Fi TV show under development. You can read about that in the forums as well.
We also have the Chess and Frozen Bubble mods installed on the front page for users to have some fun with.
I would love to hear some feedback from other XOOPS users.