If all you want is the Next Events block to show events for the next week you can do the following;
Just after line 40 in /blocks/te_nextevents.php from:
$start = mktime (0,0,0,date("m") ,date("d") ,date("Y"));
$end = strtotime("+1 week");
Then comment out line 42 by placing 2 '/' at the beginning of the line like this:
// $result = $xoopsDB->queryF("SELECT id, date, date2, event FROM ".$xoopsDB->prefix()."_tinyevent WHERE pub='1' AND (date >= '$start') ORDER BY date limit 0, $numEvents");
and add this on the next line:
$result = $xoopsDB->queryF("SELECT id, date, date2, event FROM ".$xoopsDB->prefix()."_tinyevent WHERE pub='1' AND (date >= '$start') AND (date <= '$end') ORDER BY date limit 0, $numEvents");
This will give you all the events for the next week up to the maximum you have selected in the Admin Panel.