I'm still testing Oryxgen, but the result are really nice ^^
While I'm testing it, I'm keeping track of some possible improvements, I'll update them
here if you're interested.
For the moment, here is what I've noticed :
* in the generated class, if 2 attributes point to the same table field, they will generate 2 getter function with the same name : getter name should be defined by class attribute name, not target field name
* the imports shouldn't have the directory name hardcoded, but should use $xoopsModule->getVar("dirname") (for instance in generated classes)
* in generated classes, in the toString fucntion, use include_once instead of include
* generate the mysql.sql file
* use a special prexif for table read by oryxgen in the database, to be able to test a module and, in the meantime, edit it (something like (xoops_prexif)_oryxgen_ ). Practically, this prefix should be removed in the generated code