John, there are *no* security advantages to this new name system. Period. After speaking to a pretty knowledgeable guy on IRC about an hour ago and thinking about it a little more, I am convinced that it's a pointless idea. Which is probably why very few systems use it and those that do simply do not *UNDERSTAND* that it does not prevent hacking anymore than a reasonable length, difficult to guess password and a login attempt limit.
The way hackers work, unless they are good enough to have accessed account details on file, is either through guessing or systematic trial-and-error. Their hacking scripts can still use this same old technique on the new XOOPS two-name system. So what EXACTLY is this new login scheme supposed to achieve? This is what I'm having difficulty understanding.
It's pure unsubstantial fluff and only makes Administrators feel warm inside because they understand very little and it makes them think they are doing something “security conscious” on their sites. The most substantial thing that can be done on this level is for admins to increase their minimum password limit, advise their users to choose a difficult to guess password and for the XOOPS Dev Team to hardcode a maximum login attempt limit routine. *THAT* would be a genuine step in the right direction.
Hackers have never needed to be able to SEE your password in order to hack it. By the very same token, they do not need to be able to see your login name before they begin hacking it. Unless you put a login attempts limit on users logging-in then the hackers will still be able to take pot-shots at guessing your login name all night-long until they guess correctly. In practice there is no difference between a fancy new HIDDEN login name and a traditional hidden password – even if you combine the two!
So you say: "oh, but it's more difficult to hack because they not only have to hack the password, but ALSO the hidden name!!! blah blah" Wrong!
Read my post #14 above. the loginname and password simply combine to make *ONE* single password problem in the eyes of most scripts that hackers will write.
(Loginname+Password)^X = possible combinations
X=number of ASCII character codes (256, I think?). Loginname and Password = number of actual characters that make-up each.
you can get that very same number of combinations from a password that's equal to loginname+password in length. It's not difficult Maths and the person from the XOOPS Dev Team who wrote the new login system should understand it.
Basically your security depends on LENGTH and creativity in chosing a password, not in creating another hidden loginname which will actually just be treated as another password by hackers. If XOOPS remove this silly new feature and just add a login failure limit routine it will pretty-much prevent any password hack attempts instantly...they simply will NOT be able to guess a long, creative password in, say, three attempts!
End of story, easy solution and no unnecessary potential confusion for users between Loginnames and Displaynames. (plus slightly shorter registration forms…which is always a good thing!)
I can’t really say anything more on this, it’s crystal clear to me. I just hope someone in the XOOPS Dev Team sits-up and pays attention and tries to understand the problem a little better.