Increase the Users on your site.....and keep them...
  • 2006/1/24 22:55

  • theprof

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 225

  • Since: 2004/7/14

Well, I am not sure if anyone will find this useful. But I have warped my index.html as a login page. Users to the site have two options.

1. Members can Login and proceed to XOOPS index.php
2. Visitors can click small sign-up image to register to site.

Check out http://www.migente.com for an idea I what I refering to.

I think it will increase user sign-up. When you have those users signed-up, you can keep them coming back with newsletters, etc cause you now have a contact *smile*

This is my little "give back to the community". I know it is not a huge thing, but it is something.

If you interested in something like this..send me a pm


Re: Increase the Users on your site.....and keep them...
  • 2006/1/24 23:21

  • JamesSAEP

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 732

  • Since: 2005/2/28

Hmm, interesting belief... Not to sure about that. If and when I come across sites like this, I don't sign up, I just move onto the next Googled site.

There isn't anything on that page that tells what service is offered and why you should sign up. you need to give visitors a tast of what is inside in order to get them to bite.

Good luck.

Re: Increase the Users on your site.....and keep them...
  • 2006/1/24 23:27

  • theprof

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 225

  • Since: 2004/7/14

True, but also it is playing with the mind of the user.

When you were a kid, if you knew there was a club, you wanted to be apart of it, becasue everyone else was. Well.......you do the rest.

That site i put up.. has 3million people....plus...

Now, even though they may have ONLY 300k online at once...they stil have those CONTACT emails.......

Newletters, mailings...and all can get those people back at anytime when you have giveaways, new information, site updates..etc. etc.........

But like I said this is for those interested....

Re: Increase the Users on your site.....and keep them...
  • 2006/1/24 23:34

  • JamesSAEP

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 732

  • Since: 2005/2/28

Agreed, it is a good idea (the site concept).

And as for you original posting about the "index" page, that is a cool idea.

Good luck.

Re: Increase the Users on your site.....and keep them...
  • 2006/1/24 23:34

  • theprof

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 225

  • Since: 2004/7/14

well here is the code...takened from the user login block..

insert this in your index.html code

I inserted it in a table..



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Re: Increase the Users on your site.....and keep them...
  • 2006/1/25 1:09

  • gestroud

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1538

  • Since: 2004/12/22

Good tip. Thanks for sharing it. One multi-part question: Say a user has registered and is on the main site. What happens if they click the link "Home" on the Main Menu? Are they directed to your index.php or your index.html? Or did you create a new menu?

Re: Increase the Users on your site.....and keep them...
  • 2006/1/25 13:58

  • theprof

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 225

  • Since: 2004/7/14

Yeah, I had that problem....Yes the HOME does go back to the index.html.

what I did was make a custom menu (Multi-Menu) was my favorite selection, and put in my own links. Made invisible the MAIN MENU...quick and simple.

Re: Increase the Users on your site.....and keep them...
  • 2006/1/28 17:32

  • theprof

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 225

  • Since: 2004/7/14

I foudn how you can remove the HOME in your main menu, and keep the main menu. I just made another block an incorporated the HOME page I wanted there...

go to


and find


edit it by taking out the part

just paste this

Now go to the Module Admin. and UPDATE the systems module..


Re: Increase the Users on your site.....and keep them...
  • 2006/1/28 17:47

  • shank

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 144

  • Since: 2004/8/17

or you could change it to
<class="menuTop" href="<{$xoops_url}>/index.php">homea>

And keep you main menu
s l s h a n k l e @ b e l l s o u t h . n e t

Re: Increase the Users on your site.....and keep them...
  • 2006/1/28 18:38

  • luciano

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 261

  • Since: 2003/11/3

The idea is great for Dating, profile... sites but I don't think that it's a good idea to use it on newssites.

BTW is your site a Xoopssite?


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