Smartpartner uploading images problems

I installed smartpartner with no problems set up a new partner tried to upload an image within the correct configured size requirements but I get this error.

Errors Returned While Uploading
Unknown filetype rejected
MIME type not allowed: image/pjpeg

If the page does not automatically reload, please click here

I tried with .jpg with .gif and with .png still same problems. I even made sure the directory it uploads to is set at cmod 755 . Any other ideas..

Also the directory folder that the module created automatically for uploading the logos to is not in the MODULES -> SMARTPARTNER folder section but in the main directory located at:


and that is set at cmod 755
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Re: Smartpartner uploading images problems

I think I may be onto the problem...I checked my server file and the folder that was created and according to tech support "since it was created from the web it has a setting of httpd to the folder which prevents me from uploading any files" this is true even when I am logged in to my servers control panel......and try to just upload a file.

If this is the problem .... if so, anyone know ways to prevent it in the module..since it was the module that created the folder automatically for me.
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