Help: can't change table td color
  • 2006/1/19 3:56

  • fly2moon2

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 9

  • Since: 2005/8/17


I'm creating a module and making use of template to present my results.

I've added this to the style.css file:

td.highlight {background-color: #FF3300}

And I apply it to the template for the module page like this:


But I don't see any effects. My objective is to have some cells be highlighted in RED (background) color. Now, I only see white, no matter what value I apply to the background-color.

I find it hard to set the colors for various items in XOOPS modules although I find the Smarty engine/template model is a very good idea. I can't control it as will. Would somebody guides me which parts I've missed or something wrong?

Besides, what's the difference (and when I should use which) between the style.css at the theme folder and a css file under a module folder?

thanks a lot,

Re: Help: cant change table td color
  • 2006/1/19 5:48

  • m0nty

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 3337

  • Since: 2003/10/24

if you edit a template then make sure you have updated the template after altering it, especially if you are editing the file directly and not with template manager. you may also need to clear templates_c.

you could also try .highlight {} instead of td.highlight

the difference between using style.css in the them folder compared to a module folder, is that style.css is automatically applied to every page in the theme, so it's values will always be available.. module ones will not.. and another reason is people like having everything in 1 place.

Re: Help: cant change table td color
  • 2006/1/19 7:55

  • fly2moon2

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 9

  • Since: 2005/8/17


Thanks for your suggestions.

I've tried a number of rounds, however, before I can have some results now.

by passing the code to the theme's style.css doesn't have the effects:
.highlight {background-color: #fff000;}

then, I use my browser to point to the css address and press Refresh then have the result:

- am I supposed to manually "Refresh" the stylesheet this way every time I modified the file?

- funny that I've got the result when view from firefox browser but not in IE (firefox makes use of styleNN.css , although it is same as styleNN.css have the code to @import url(style.css); )

your hints much appreciated,


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