As you already know, especially as the forum moderator, the CBB module.
The CBB Module has default templates for permissions. This module is obviously designed for creating forums on an ongoing bases. Now imagine how difficult and time consuming would it be to install all those permissions for new forums and categories as well.
Hence it offers a permission template. VOW! I jumped from my chair. But then why does not XOOPS offer?
Hence if such a permission template is available offered by the XOOPS core, one could apply different access or edit permissions to different modules based on their Group membership Listings, exactly in the same manner CBB does.
In my suggestion, instead of the new Forum for which the permission template is to be applied, imagine Modules as a substitute.
What interesting I learned from CBB permissions structure is, that it creats a Matrix of Horizontal and vertical Layers for permissions, very very clearly defined. And this quality of clarity is definately missing in XOOPS core.
The Problem is due to the following:
Currently the matrix is >> Modules has different names of permission parameters.
module_name >>> read_permission
It should be a system parameter >>> System permission for >>>
Access or delete or edit system permission >>> module_name
This will reverse the Matrix from horizontal to vertical making the life much more easier to handle and less complicated.
bluenova wrote:
But what if you needed to give one group edit access to one module, but not to another?
Therefore, one creates a new temporary default permission template and applies to different modules ::: AVAILABLE TO THOSE GROUPS:::
And that it the only way to make it less complicated having the complexity keeping the same. Eventually it results both into the same goal!!!