Hi all
First, i?d like to apologize due that "old fashion" question, but I have an old site running XOOPS 205 with liaise 1.0
Everything was running pretty well till the host company changed the PHP version to PHP 4.4.1 without any warning
Now, my form only shows a unique field, repeated 20 times.
Some notices from PHP debug...
On the form page:
18 times the same notice:
Notice [PHP]: Only variables should be assigned by reference in file modules/liaise/index.php line 46
On the admin area of liaise:
Notice [PHP]: Undefined index: op in file modules/liaise/admin/index.php line 35
and 25 times that notice:
Notice [PHP]: Only variables should be assigned by reference in file modules/liaise/admin/index.php line 57
Any quick fix?
Do you think that liaise 1.1.1 could fix that problem?
If yes, is there a safe way to upgrade?
Thnaks in advance and sorry guys to bore you with that old version problem.