SmartSection & WF-Downloads reveal Real Names...
  • 2006/1/10 17:55

  • SLEO577

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 110

  • Since: 2005/6/27

In both SmartSection and WF-Downloads, when a user submits an article, it displays there "Real Name" rather than their "User Name". In WF-Downloads, "Submitter" shows the real name and in SmartSection it appears like below:

Posting an article shows the (Published By) username (Hard Road):
Resized Image

But if you use the "Recent items (Detail)" in a block it displays the (Published By) real name (Neil Mariotti).
Resized Image

The SmartSection "Module Preference" where it shows:
([FORMAT OPTIONS] Use the Real Name of users) is set to "No". Has anyone been able to get these two modules to show the usernames?

Using SmartSection 1.05 (Beta 1), WF-Downloads 2.05 and XOOPS 2.2.3

Re: SmartSection & WF-Downloads reveal Real Names...
  • 2006/1/10 18:21

  • davidl2

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 4843

  • Since: 2003/5/26

I don't believe this has been updated on WF-Downloads 3.0RC1 - but can you submit this to dev.xoops.org under SmartDownloads? Then we can look into this for future updates.


Re: SmartSection & WF-Downloads reveal Real Names...
  • 2006/1/10 19:35

  • SLEO577

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 110

  • Since: 2005/6/27

Thanks davidl2,

I have reported this in both SmartDownloads and SmartSection, as it appears both of these modules have the same problem.

Although it should be noted that what ever value is being used for (Published By:) in the SmartSection article works fine, it just when the admin uses the (Recent Items) in a block, it reveals the (Real Name).

That is why I was hoping it was just an issue of changing (name, uname, etc.) in (smartsection/class/item.php) or (smartsection/index.php). But neither have fixed it in the (Recent Items) block, nor while looking in the WF-Downloads files.


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