hi, am using xajax inside xoops..
i have a problem as in.. i use a javascript called menuswapper.js to swap contents from left combo box to right
the combobox defined as :
and in the function which looks like this am unable to retrieve the combobox multiple values
function processFormData($arg)
global $xoopsTpl;
global $xoopsDB;
$myts = myTextSanitizer::getInstance();
//$query = "Insert into ".$xoopsDB->prefix("tutorial_myform")." (name, address) values ('$testplan_name', '$testplan_file')";
if(!$res) {
$msg="error: $query".$arg['list2'].$list2[0];
} else {
$msg="Data was correctly inserted into DB!".$arg['list2'].$list2[0];
// Instantiate the xajaxResponse object
$objResponse = new xajaxResponse();
// add a command to the response to assign the innerHTML attribute of
// the element with id="SomeElementId" to whatever the new content is
$objResponse->assign("divcalculate","innerHTML", $newContent);
//return the xajaxResponse object
return $objResponse;
PLEASE LET ME know how do we get about multiple values combobox and how to retrieve the same at the php function