xRoster 2.2.3b
  • 2006/1/7 6:20

  • Arowana

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 323

  • Since: 2004/8/6 2

Ok we just finished up the 2.2.3 Beta Version and we are running the testing now. You can see the working copy at our website:


We have completely rebuilt this module core files and database table. This module will NOT upgrade earlier versions of xRoster.

Things we have added:
Categories were added, before you had Groups and titles only. Ths allows you to support several different games, offices, cities, etc.

Category (game), Groups, and Titles are all controlled by the database and you can edit them in the admin section of the module.

Make Categories Active on the application or deactivate them if you are not looking for people for that category.

We are currently working on all drop downs boxes on the applicationto be controlled in the admin section including the questions so it will be a true univerisal module for any club, group, org, and clan.

Template has changed to support headers for each category.
Intergration with the standard XOOPS theme templates.

Default title for new applicants
Working on Default Group for new applicants

Since we have had to bring in outside help and pay a programmer we are asking to please make a donation before using this module. The programmer we brought on was kind enough to give us an outstanding rate but hard times right now so we are just trying to cover 2/3 of the cost we paid out. Once we receive this cost the programmer has agreed to add more features to make it more intergrated with Extended Profiles of XOOPS. Thank you for your understanding.

Donations can be made at http://www.paypal.com using kymari009@yahoo.com or donations@soegamers.com.

Please find the module in our downloads section of our website

(no registeration required)

Re: xRoster 2.2.3b
  • 2006/1/10 17:55

  • melsen

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 97

  • Since: 2003/6/22

Man.. I so with the download link actually worked so I could try this out.

It sure looks nice.
Allan Melsen
[size=x-small]Founder of R.I.A.[/size]

Renegade Insane Asylum


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