NewBB or CBB which is and what to do?
  • 2006/1/7 0:44

  • Quest

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 1034

  • Since: 2005/11/19

I have XOOPS V2.2.3a.

I have downloaded the packages for this version too. I have not installed the bulletin board yet basically out of concern but mostly because I can't even figure out if the one that came with the v2.2.3a Community Package is even the right one. And just when I thought I figured it out I find updates to CBB which I thought I downloaded with the Community Pack. I double checked the package and it show a module for NEWBB and when I checked the version.php it says it is NEWBB v 2.2.

Could someone please help clear this up for me? I have searched around but honestly, all that has done is made me more confused!


Re: NewBB or CBB which is and what to do?
  • 2006/1/7 0:47

  • Lance_

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 983

  • Since: 2004/1/12

CBB is the continued development started with newbb2.

If you need a forum module stick with CBB and not the ones in teh packages.

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Re: NewBB or CBB which is and what to do?

I would suggest using the latest version of CBB which for XOOPS version 2.2.3 is 2.32.

CBB is continuing work on the newbb project under a different name but the same module. There are bug fixes and enhancements included in CBB over newbb 2.2.


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