First, the details as requested in the "before you post" post:
Website URL: (test site)
Module Name/Version: AMS 2.4.1
PHP Version: 4.3.10
MySQL Version: 4.1.14-Debian_3-log
Web Server Software (Apache/IIS/Other): Apache/1.3.33 (Unix) DAV/1.0.3 mod_fastcgi/2.4.2 mod_gzip/ PHP/4.3.10 mod_ssl/2.8.22 OpenSSL/0.9.7e
Operating System: Debian Linux (don't know what version, sorry)
Theme you are using: my own
Custom template: tweaked templates very slightly, but only in cosmetic ways, nothing major
PHP Debug Messages, MySQL Debug Messages, Smarty Debug Messages: none of these showed any errors
A full description of the issue:
I am using the Koivi editor with AMS, and the image manager does not seem to be working properly. Yes, I did install the alternate image manager template and update the system module, and I'm getting the little "insert into WYSIWYG" button, which *seems* to work - the image shows up in the WYSIWYG text area and can be manipulated there.
But when I go to publish the article, the image doesn't show up - instead I just get a fragment of HTML code. I viewed the source of the page in my browser and what Koivi appears to be generating as an img tag is this:
It looks like Koivi tried to turn the URL in the img tag into a hyperlink the way it would if a URL was embedded in regular text. It appears to have messed with some of the rest of the code inside the img tag too -- turning quotes into their ASCII entity equivalents, dropping in backslashes, and that sort of thing. So somehow it does not appear to be recognizing the img tag it inserted as an image, despite the fact that the image showed up fine in the WYSIWYG box.
However, having a vague idea what is happening does not mean that I have any idea WHY it's happening, or how to fix it...

Has anyone else encountered this? Is there any way I can fix it, or do I need to go back to the default editor if I want the image manager to work?