news links do not translate with xlanguage
  • 2005/12/27 21:24

  • dream77

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 72

  • Since: 2005/7/24

Hi, The contents and the title translates when you switch language. But the links that are showing in the latest news bar is not translating, it shows it all, like [se]svenska[/se][en]swedish[/en] (but it there is no room for long names, so in that case it onley shows the firs part of it, wich is "[se]svenska[/s.......12-27-05"

How can I prevent this from happen, is there something else I nead to write in the title?

My XOOPS version, the news version is the one provided with the XOOPS update.

Please help

Re: news links do not translate with xlanguage
  • 2005/12/28 14:47

  • dream77

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 72

  • Since: 2005/7/24

Problem solved. Updated to the news module 1.44 and in the recent news block you change the title character lenght from 25 to 50. I do not think it have to be exacley 50, I think it has to be longer then the actually name of the link. Included the tags, otherwise it will for some reason show the tags, but anyway it works like a charm now.


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