I have a very strange issue with xcgal (Ver. 1.1) in combination with the lw_rouge theme.
my website runs on a win2k server (IIS 5) and it is fine to open it from a win2k machine but when using WinXP as a client the pages tabs following the thumbnail list gets screwed up. Only the first page (which ist shown) is indicated by a "1". There ar no tabs for the other pages, and the included footer file is within the thumbs-table and not after. This problem only occurs with this theme!
I turned on PHP debug and found the following message:
Warning [PHP]: sprintf(): Too few arguments in file
C:WEBSITESwww.domain.atmodulesxcgalincludefunctions.inc.php line 84
This (
in red) is the line mentioned in the warning message:
function create_tabs($items, $curr_page, $total_pages, $template)
global $xoopsModuleConfig;
if (function_exists('theme_create_tabs')) {
theme_create_tabs($items, $curr_page, $total_pages, $template);
$maxTab = $xoopsModuleConfig['max_tabs'];
[b][color=CC0000]$tabs = sprintf($template['left_text'], $items, $total_pages);[/color][/b]
if (($total_pages == 1)) return $tabs;
$tabs .= $template['tab_header'];
if ($curr_page == 1) {
$tabs .= sprintf($template['active_tab'], 1);
Please help me - I am searching for the error since days !