Same username & pwd for module & xoops

Is there a way to tell a module that requires a username & password(for example a calendar module)to pull the information from xoops? So that a user doesn't have to login to xoops, then login to the module.

Re: Same username & pwd for module & xoops
  • 2005/12/27 19:55

  • Stewdio

  • Community Support Member

  • Posts: 1560

  • Since: 2003/5/7 1

Modules for XOOPS use the XOOPS authentication so that all users will have access to the modules you choose as defined by your permission settings. In short, if you are using a module desiged for use for XOOPS, then you will not need to worry about separe user names and passwords as all of these are integrated in the system. I just hope I am understanding the question clearly.

If you are using a separate script that is not associated with XOOPS, you would have to modify that external scripts SQL queries to look in your XOOPS environment tables for user amd group perms, which may or may not be worth the trouble.
XOOPS Community Support

Re: Same username & pwd for module & xoops
  • 2005/12/27 22:48

  • Will_H

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 1786

  • Since: 2004/10/10

if all this seems a bit intense for you, and you are interested in porting a non XOOPS module over. perhaps you could make a suggestion to do so in that area of the forums. Basically when doing so you will need to describe why it is that this would be an affective integration. and give as much information about it as you know(especially if you could provide a dl link to it)

Re: Same username & pwd for module & xoops

First of all, I would like to thank you both for taking the time to try and answer my question. This question was for a XOOPS module and another program as well. The module was xgallery. I currently have a gallery site and was hoping to be able to have the users access their galleries through the XOOPS site without having to login again. One was a program called CaLogic,http://www.calogic.de/modules/mydownloads/viewcat.php?cid=1 which is a php/mysql multi-user calendar. I looked through the module repository and could not find a XOOPS module that will allow users to have their own calendar. I'm fairly new and not quite sure how to go about having the program pull the username information from xoops.

Re: Same username & pwd for module & xoops

Okay, so just forget about that calendar bit. I realized piCal has the ability I just didn't get it at first. Sorry about that!

Re: Same username & pwd for module & xoops
  • 2005/12/30 2:48

  • Stewdio

  • Community Support Member

  • Posts: 1560

  • Since: 2003/5/7 1

Sorry, it's not so easy to port users over from one system to another, even though they are essentially the same. It's in the user sql tables and group permission tables for XOOPS where things get tricky when you try to fool other scripts to simultaniuosly [sp?] log them into the XOOPS environment.

You can still keep your other scripts running, but you will have to inform your users very clearly that they are very different systems and you have not been able to port the users over for whatever reason you wish to disclose.

I'm glad you found an alternative to start using and I'm sure you will find more as your site grows.

Good luck with the site!
XOOPS Community Support


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