Need Content module, or other static page module, to handle forms
  • 2005/12/21 5:04

  • spidersilk

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  • Since: 2005/11/10

I've installed the Content module, because I have a few permanent static pages I need to create outside of the Articles structure, but I'm having a few problems with it.

Several of the pages use forms, for purposes such as allowing people to submit a question to an advice column, but Content does not seem to be designed to allow you to input your own HTML in general, or use forms in particular.

I was eventually able to input the HTML for the form by disabling the WYSIWYG editor, but it still chokes on the form - specifically the textarea element in it. I think that maybe it interprets the closing textarea tag as closing the textarea in the editor itself, because anything from that point on seems to get cut off, including my submit button.

Is there any way to get it not to do this, or is there another module that might work better? I also need to be able to include PHP tags for one page.

Also, it seems to break the division between the main column and the right column, so that all the blocks that are supposed to be in the right column appear stretched out at the bottom of the main column and the right column doesn't appear at all. I have no idea what's causing that, unless it's the fact that the form in my content is in a table and maybe the table tags are breaking the page layout.

I tried using the PageWrapper function instead of Add Content, but I couldn't figure out how you were supposed to access the page. I'm not using the default main menu - I'm using MultiMenu, so I need to know the URLs of the pages to add to my custom menus, but while the pages I add with the Add Content form appear in a nice little list that I can pull the URLs from, anything I add with PageWrapper just seems to disappear and I can't figure out how to access it.

Does anyone know if there's any *reliable* way of wrapping existing HTML or PHP pages in a XOOPS wrapper? Because this module doesn't appear to be it...



Re: Need Content module, or other static page module, to handle forms
  • 2005/12/21 5:34

  • billo

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You can use a module called Content, It has a built in editor, you can also wrap html or perl. It also comes with a dhtml menu to replace existing main menu.

You can download it here: https://xoops.org/modules/repository/visit.php?cid=94&lid=1554

Re: Need Content module, or other static page module, to handle forms
  • 2005/12/21 5:44

  • Catzwolf

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Re: Need Content module, or other static page module, to handle forms
  • 2005/12/21 7:54

  • spidersilk

  • Just popping in

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  • Since: 2005/11/10

Er... Content is the module I'm using and having problems with. That was the whole point of the post.

Content has issues with forms, or at least forms with textarea fields - it cuts everything off after the opening textarea tag in the editor, because the closing textarea tag closes the textarea in the editor itself. It does seem to save the information after that tag when you first enter it, but if you need to edit the page again, everything after the opening textarea tag is gone.

And it breaks the structure of the page - everything in the right column is shifted down to the bottom of the center column instead. Example: http://juice.spidersilk.net/modules/content/index.php?id=1

The second item is the most important. The first I can work around by keeping a copy of the each page in a text file so that if I need to edit it I can paste in the whole page again so I don't lose the parts after the textarea, but I can't have the page structure all broken like that.

Does anyone know if there is a fix for this? I can't be the only one who's had this issue with the Content module...


Re: Need Content module, or other static page module, to handle forms
  • 2005/12/21 7:56

  • spidersilk

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 28

  • Since: 2005/11/10

WF-Sections is another like AMS for posting dated and categorized articles, isn't it? That's not what I need here - I'm already using AMS for the articles. This is for static pages that are outside the article/category structure and are not time-bound.

Re: Need Content module, or other static page module, to handle forms
  • 2005/12/21 8:12

  • MadFish

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Try Tiny Content Duplicatable - simple and effective, menus, set up as many as you want with individual block arrangements. It rocks.

Re: Need Content module, or other static page module, to handle forms
  • 2005/12/21 8:15

  • thebigkk

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 103

  • Since: 2003/10/27

Try http://www.brandycoke.com/news/liaise/20050719.575.php

Liaise has what you're after I think. Install it and have a look at the default page for some ideas.




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