This is not so much a problem with XOOPS core, as it is with PHP.
I am using XOOPS 2.2.3 and with the "Spaces" in the "Display Name" (i.e. SLEO 577 vs SLEO577) has created a problem with our chatroom.
PHP will only echo "SLEO" and leaves off the "577" because of the space. With the older versions of XOOPS 2.0.13 this was not a problem, because spaces were not allowed (actually 2.2.3 does not allow for this either in Username, just DisplayName).
Possible example using:
[b]Line 81:[/b]$edituser->setVar('uname', $myts->stripSlashesGPC(trim($_POST['uname'])));
[color=CC0000]<PRE>str_replace(" ", "", "uname);[/color]
Is there a way to "Strip" the white space in the users "Displayname", but yet still have it display the users "Displayname" with the space (i.e. SLEO 577)?
If so, would I have to hack all the user.php files?