True, completely true, and thanx for a reply
I admit, I have double posted, but I cleverly (not) managed (both times I posted) to put the thread in the wrong forum.
Can anyone suggest a decent php/mysql coding forum? Trust me, I've looked hard to find one. Anyway, I'm surpised no-one answered this post with the number of people that must have seen it......
I don't actually think that there is an elegant way to do what I'm doing - there's no magic PHP function (I don't think). I think that I might have to find the number of rows in the DB table and choose a rand()integer between 1 and and that number, then return the row as an array.
If I work out how to solve this bloody problem, then I'll be sure to post it many times (yes, many) in these forums and give something back to the community
I'll try and get this answered elsewhere.
Apologies for all these darn posts that I've created!