No images with News 1.43
  • 2005/12/6 21:19

  • McDonald

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1072

  • Since: 2005/8/15

At the moment I'm experimenting with News 1.43 using XSAS and XOOPS 2.2.3a.
When I create a news article with one of the editors and add an image from the Image Manager I can see the image within the editor and also with the preview option.
After I submit the article and check it at the frontpage the only thing I see is a white space where the image should be.
This is the same for the Topic Image of a category.
For some reason it is showing the smilies.

I've installed the Spaw editor module but when I select it in the preferences all I get is the DHTML Editor. TinyEditor is installed also but does not appear in the selection menu.

The permissions are that way set that everybody can submit, see and approve everything.

Can somebody help me with the above problems?

Re: No images with News 1.43
  • 2005/12/7 17:32

  • McDonald

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1072

  • Since: 2005/8/15


Re: No images with News 1.43

It just so happens, I have been working on another type of Spotlight Block and ran into the exact same issue.

The problem does not exist with the News module package with XOOPS, but it does exist with News 1.42 and 1.43 - maybe others as well.

Here's the News 1.43 hack if you are comfortable editing files. I have tested and verified that this does work.
John Horne - a.k.a. - VelocityWebDev, Seventhseal, CreepingDeath
VelocityWebDev Tech BLOG
VelocityWebHost Hosting and Design

Re: No images with News 1.43
  • 2005/12/8 19:43

  • McDonald

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1072

  • Since: 2005/8/15

Hello Seventhseal,

Thanks for replying.
I've added the code of your News 1.43 hack but this didn't solve my problem.
When I remove the image alignment and submit the article again the image appears suddenly.
So to me it looks like an alignment bug in the News module. I reported the bug to the bug tracker.

Re: No images with News 1.43

That's different...you might verify the templates you are using. I have also seen an issue where you upgrade your site, you are using custom templates, but they do not update. Even if you update each module, it does not appear to update the templates. So, what I had to do was go in and blow away all custom templates and regenerate. Very strange indeed...

Now that I think about it...what version of PHP are you using? I ahve seen problems where programmers are using logic for selects that isn't right...in other words, in the code, if the have a '0' or '1' value, they are just checking to see if the variable has a value - not looking at the value itself...

I'll look at the code. Since I am generating custom mods for other sites quite a bit, I do spend a lot of time looking at others code when small problems come along...
John Horne - a.k.a. - VelocityWebDev, Seventhseal, CreepingDeath
VelocityWebDev Tech BLOG
VelocityWebHost Hosting and Design

Re: No images with News 1.43
  • 2005/12/8 21:06

  • McDonald

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1072

  • Since: 2005/8/15

I am using XOOPS Stand Alone Server for testing.
Only replaced XOOPS by version 2.2.3a Final.
None of the News templates have been edited.

The details are:

- XOOPS Version: XOOPS 2.2.3 Final

- PHP Version: 4.3.6

- MySQL Version: 4.1.1a-alpha

- Server Software: Apache/2.0.49 (Win32) PHP/4.3.6

But I think the problem is related to the theme selected in general preferences (Xoops).
First I was using the default theme because this should be fine for testing, but the images didn't show.
Just switched over to the phpkaox theme and all the images suddenly appear in the articles.
Tried also the x2t and xmt theme and everything was fine with these 2 themes also.
Overwritten the default theme with the original one, just to be sure, but this didn't help.
So for some reason the images don't show when selecting the default theme.

Re: No images with News 1.43
  • 2005/12/10 19:02

  • hightyde

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 86

  • Since: 2003/7/11

In News 1.43, my News Topic images appear/disppear base on the following:

(1) In Firefox --

No problems. All appear fine.

(2) In IE 6 --

Appear -- in index.php, when the intro text ("the scoop") is short enough to NOT have to wrap around the topic image.

Disappear -- in index.php, when intro text ("the scoop") is long enough that it has to wrap around the topic image.

Disappear -- in article.php, whenever the article text is long enough that it has to wrap around the topic image, which is the case for all my articles.

NOTE: even when the topic image disappears in IE6, the article text still wraps around a small square/white space, with the exact width/height of where the image should be. When I right-click on the blank space and select "properties", IE6 gives me the correct image path and file size, etc. It just won't show me the actual photo itself.

This is weird!!!

Re: No images with News 1.43
  • 2005/12/10 21:13

  • McDonald

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1072

  • Since: 2005/8/15

I didn't check the image problem with different browsers.
The only thing I noticed was that the images were replaced by a white square with the same dimensions when using the default XOOPS theme.

Re: No images with News 1.43
  • 2005/12/11 8:01

  • hightyde

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 86

  • Since: 2003/7/11

Problem solved.

The containing block was styled to "position: relative;". Once I deleted that style, the images all showed up in IE6.


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