Which web server? IIS or Apache
  • 2005/12/5 22:18

  • -gonzo-

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 12

  • Since: 2005/12/5


I want to use XOOPS for my team's intranet. I will be running on Windows and wonder if I should use Apache or IIS. I have experience with both.

I intend on using:

PHP 5.1.1
MySQL 5.0.16
Windows XP (eventually Server 2003)
XOOPS 2.2.3a

I may have to run some other services on IIS, so if I use Apache, it probably will have to run on a port other than 80.

Thanks in advance for any feedback!


Re: Which web server? IIS or Apache

Apache is web-server, IIS - bad joke
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Re: Which web server? IIS or Apache
  • 2005/12/6 1:05

  • brash

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 2206

  • Since: 2003/4/10

Of course that is coming from extensive experience with IIS LB? IIS is a perfectly capable webserver. Not as well suited to shared hosting services as Apache, but ideal for intranet or dedicated environments. Been using it for years, and never had a problem.
IT Headquarters
Innovative IT Solutions

Re: Which web server? IIS or Apache
  • 2005/12/6 1:19

  • Bassman

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 1272

  • Since: 2003/5/23

You might want to check XOOPS compatability with PHP 5 and MySQL 5. PHP 5 may be ok for XOOPS 2.2 but I doubt MySQL 5 is supported yet.

Re: Which web server? IIS or Apache
  • 2005/12/6 3:45

  • -gonzo-

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 12

  • Since: 2005/12/5


Bassman wrote:
You might want to check XOOPS compatability with PHP 5 and MySQL 5. PHP 5 may be ok for XOOPS 2.2 but I doubt MySQL 5 is supported yet.

Thanks Bassman - I'll verify the PHP and MySQL versions. I was hoping MySQL 5 would be supported because of some juicy new features but no big deal to run MySQL 4.


brash wrote:
IIS is a perfectly capable webserver.

Yup that was my thinking. I've only run PHP on Windows using Apache. All my IIS experience is with ASP. Unless someone can give me some specific reasons why I should avoid PHP/XOOPS on IIS, I'll give it a whirl.

My problem is that IIS is already running on port 80 and I don't want to tell my users to use an irregular http port just so I can use Apache unless I really have to.

Re: Which web server? IIS or Apache
  • 2005/12/6 23:30

  • brash

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 2206

  • Since: 2003/4/10

Hi Marc,

If you already have IIS on the machine, then that is by far the most logical first step. The biggest issue I see for you is getting all the XOOPS goodies you want running on PHP 5.1.1, and maybe even MySQL 5 (I haven't tested MySQL 5 at all though). I'm still running on PHP 4.3.x myself, but if you are absolutely certain you want to use bleeding edge then you probably need to be prepared to spend time in fixing code to get XOOPS and more so modules to a point where they function correctly.

You might also be interested in this article I wrote on performance tuning XOOPS on IIS where I was got increases of up to 1000%;

Performance Tuning XOOPS on IIS

It is based on PHP 4.3.11 though, so again if you are wanting something with performance at the cutting edge then there is nothing currently out their for Windows in the open source community. In this case I'd advise using WinEnabler from Zend which will cost you around $500.
IT Headquarters
Innovative IT Solutions

Re: Which web server? IIS or Apache
  • 2005/12/9 14:11

  • -gonzo-

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 12

  • Since: 2005/12/5

brash - thanks for the tuning article. I'll check it out.


I got XOOPS running now:

Windows XP Pro SP2 (Dell laptop)
IIS 5.1
PHP 5.1.1 ( PHP5 )
MySQL 4.1.14 ( MySQL4 )
XOOPS 2.2.3a

I decided against trying MySQL5. I ran into a problem with my initial installation of PHP 4.4.1 because this version has MySQL client 3.23.49 embedded which can't talk to newer versions of MySQL due to password hashing (I think). I upgraded to 5.1.1 and it worked fine.

Here are my basic install steps:

1. Install mysql-4.1.14-win32

2. Unzip php-5.1.1-Win32.zip, move to c:\php

3. Add c:\php to PATH and create new env var PHPRC=c:\php, reboot

4. Copy c:\php\php.ini-recommended to php.ini

5. Edit php.ini
short_open_tag = On (extension_dir = "./ext"
extension=php_mysqli.dll (added this line)

6. Configure PHP as an ISAPI module in IIS (5.1)

a. create a new virtual dir called XOOPS at C:\xoops, Execute permissions "Scripts only"

b. Click on the 'Configuration' button, and choose the Application Mappings tab. Click Add and set the Executable path to C:\php\php5isapi.dll Supply .php as the extension. Leave 'Method exclusions' blank, and check the 'Script engine' and 'file exists' checkboxes. Now, click OK a few times.

c. Add index.php as a start page

7. Restart IIS

8. Unzip xoops-2.2.3a-Final.zip

9. Move html dir to C:\xoops

10. Create a XOOPS database in MySQL

11. Make mainfile.php, templates_c, uploads, cache writable for Everyone

12. Open http://localhost/xoops/install/

Hope this helps someone



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