treemenuxl configuration
  • 2005/11/27 21:40

  • marknoten

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 3

  • Since: 2005/11/24


I just installed the module treemenuxl. But after the installation I can't click on the icon of the module to configure it.

Can anyone help me with this issue?

Best regards,


Re: treemenuxl configuration
  • 2006/1/20 8:27

  • whtdragon

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 7

  • Since: 2005/11/25

I'm using XOOPS 2.2.3 Final, and TreemenuXL 0.6. Once you load the module, go to the admin page. Look under BLOCKS: List All Blocks:
In the ADD pulldown box, scroll until you see the Treemenu Section. Select the type (user or mainmenu) you want and add it in like you would another block. Once the block is added thats where you get the options of which type of 'look' you want and if it expands, etc.
Be warned that in it's current version (see the other post in this area) it will NOT sort the item list correctly. It defaults to however you originally loaded the modules.
- whtdragon (Novice Xoopster)

Re: treemenuxl configuration
  • 2006/1/20 8:47

  • whtdragon

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 7

  • Since: 2005/11/25

I'm using XOOPS 2.2.3 Final, and TreemenuXL 0.6. Once you load the module, go to the admin page. Look under BLOCKS: List All Blocks:
In the ADD pulldown box, scroll until you see the Treemenu Section. Select the type (user or mainmenu) you want and add it in like you would another block. Once the block is added thats where you get the options of which type of 'look' you want and if it expands, etc.
Be warned that in it's current version (see the other post in this area) it will NOT sort the item list correctly. It defaults to however you originally loaded the modules.
- whtdragon (Novice Xoopster)


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