XOOPS must have more flexible handling of blocks?!

We all know, XOOPS now can handle and work only with array of blocks (in natural way) and processing single block for output is rather tricky and not obvious...
With my new theme for client (prepared from hand-made HTML) I faced small (not so small, but solvable) problem...

I have to output
- title of first block in center-center placeholder
- some additional HTML
- conent of first block
- rest of blocks

Two cycles of <{foreach item=block from=$xoops_ccblocks}> + if solved task, but it's ugly, terrible ugly solution

I want to have access-methods in API on the single-block level... Xaraya have it, and it's BlockLayout is a lot more flexible, than XOOPS technique - this is one of big reasons why I migrate to Xaraya now... Less bugs, less headachche, more power - more fun and possibilities
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