content module
  • 2005/11/20 13:01

  • defwind77

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 180

  • Since: 2005/11/11

ok in the content module - I'm using the updated one - when I choose 'add new content' - the only position i get to add it is in the main menu - how can I add options to this dropdown so I can add things elsewhere?

Re: content module
  • 2005/11/21 6:21

  • jfmoore

  • Quite a regular

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Here's a comment thread which contains info which might help:


It's going to be hard to read since it's stretched 3 screens wide, so search for the text "Here's an example" w/o the quotes, and you will find a couple of examples that should help.

(Note - You have to scroll down to the comments)


Re: content module
  • 2005/11/21 15:56

  • jfmoore

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 360

  • Since: 2004/6/6 5

I'm having a problem with the DHTML Site Menu. In Firefox, each menu item is bulleted and takes up two lines. I would like to remove the bullets and the extra lines. Following is the template file:

<style type="text/css" media="screen"
import "tanfa.css";
/**************** menu coding *****************/
#menu {width: 100%;} /* Width of Individual Menu */
#menu ul ul {
border:1px solid #FF9933; 
margin-top:5px;} /* style of submenus */
/*******No Need To Edit Below Here***********/
#menu ul {list-style: none;margin: 0;padding: 0;}
#menu li {position: relative;}
#menu ul ul {position: absolute;top: 0;left: 100%;width: 100%;}
/***** General formatting only ****/

table class="blocks" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
td id="mainmenu">
div id="menu">

Also, the same menus appear in a very small font size in IE.

Anyone see any obvious problems?


Re: content module
  • 2005/11/21 18:41

  • Tobias

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 172

  • Since: 2005/9/13

jfmoore: I believe how "ul" is displayed (normally bullets) is left to the browser, unless, of course, browser settings are overridden with a style. It seems the style instructions in this particular template are mostly commented out, so you may have to look somewhere else. Somewhere in your theme, I would assume. You might try to comment out or delete the "font-size" line in the IE section, if only to see whether that does any good. But again, doesn't think this is the right place. Perhaps, you can try experimenting with different themes, and if you've found a nice one, see how the relevant class is defined in it ("blocks").

defwind: Once you add content, the drop down should get populated, and you can link new content to any of the pages you already have. Is that what you mean? I also think "Main Menu" here is not the XOOPS Main Menu, but the module's main menu, so to speak. In the XOOPS Main Menu, you will have "Content" (or something else if you have changed the module's name), taking you to the module start page you've defined, and then all your visible content as submenues to "content". If you want to have some menu structure outside of the XOOPS Main Menu, you would probably have to create a custom block (in blocks), or use one of the modules that let you costumize menues.

Re: content module
  • 2005/11/21 19:47

  • jfmoore

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Tobias wrote:
jfmoore: I believe how "ul" is displayed (normally bullets)

I can live with the bullets, but the double lines in every menu item (each item takes up 2 lines--the bullet is on one line, and the link is on another) is a killer. Any thoughts on that?


Re: content module
  • 2005/11/21 20:18

  • Tobias

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 172

  • Since: 2005/9/13

My thought on the issue is that that DHTML thing isn't quite ready for prime time: Depending on your browser, they turn up all over the place, and in all different shapes.

I guess what I've been trying to say in my last post is simply that you'd probably have to change something in the theme you're using, not in the template. So, the task would be to track down the style which is assigned to the menu. The template, I assume, is somehow wrapped into the corresponding PHP script (in the "blocks" subdirectory) which is wrapped into the theme.html of your theme which calls on style.css, styleNN.css, styleMAC.css, depending on what OS and browser you're using. If you get the bullets, and the lines break where they shouldn't, I assume that's a sign of a style not being defined, or not being defined properly, in your themes css's.

I'm not using the DHTML menu, but I've quickly produced one under default theme, and it looks alright. Perhaps you can compare your themes css with the ones from default theme and see where the relevant difference might be. Also have a look into the source of the page once it's produced by the PHP engine (Ctrl+U in Firefox) and check whether you can see what class is assigned to the element that doesn't look good. To get a sense of what you're looking for in your style sheets. Bare in mind that you may have various .css files for different browsers.

Don't know whether that helps

Oh, yes. And the linebreak may have to do with your menu items being too long? Can you try with very short menu items?

Re: content module
  • 2005/11/30 2:33

  • bricex

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under the directory of the content module have appeared lots of huge files (at least 16 Mb) name core.number

what are they and why are there?

Re: content module
  • 2005/11/30 3:41

  • Tobias

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 172

  • Since: 2005/9/13

I doubt they belong there. Core dump from a server crash or something? I think you better ask your webhost about that, if that's not yourself.

Also, make sure that the directories which aren't supposed to be aren't world writable, and check out where your upload directories point to (in the image manager, and several modules also have upload directories you can specify.

Re: content module
  • 2005/11/30 10:36

  • bricex

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  • Posts: 71

  • Since: 2003/1/16

thank u!
i've another trouble
i was using thw wygys editor of content but i noticed that the pages are not compatible with all browsers!
so i saw in installing isntructions it's spoken about FCKEditor and Aspell.... i can't find aspell on my server where and how can i get it and install it?

Re: content module
  • 2005/11/30 16:32

  • Tobias

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 172

  • Since: 2005/9/13

You can find Aspell on Google I believe it has to be installed on the server, as opposed to your user directory, so if you're not the administrator of your server, you're probably out of luck. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. Then again, you can ask your webhost if you have one, if it's installed or whether they would install it for you.

What exactly is not compatible with all browsers? The Koivi editor? Doesn't seem to be working with Opera, they're working on it. Look through the general settings for editor settings. If the pages you produce show differently in different browsers, my guess would be it's because of different style sheets in your theme. You may want to copy styleNN.css and styleMAC.css from themes/default/css into the folder of the theme you're using where style.css is located (back up the respective files that may be there) and try again whether it looks differently in different browsers. Those two files just include the general style.css, so everything should look more or less the same.

Other than that, if things show differently, it's probably because the corresponding style attributes aren't defined in the style sheet. Don't think it has to do with the editor.

If it's about the object/embed problem from your other thread (https://xoops.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=44186) try out the advice given there. Use HTML editor if WYSIWYG doesn't work, strip code of blank lines and line breaks, make sure all required plugins are properly installed in the browsers you're trying it with, try again.


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