Ace_Armstrong wrote:
I also need to change the dates to American format if possible ("May 21" instead of "21 May") throughout the blocks and content.
The same file (/modules/piCal/class/piCal.php ) has functions called 'get_middle_dhi' and 'get_middle_dh', lines 2646 to 2674 as follows:
function get_middle_dhi( $time , $is_over24 = false )
$hour_offset = $is_over24 ? 24 : 0 ;
$hour4disp = $this->use24 ? $this->hour_names_24[ date( 'G' , $time ) + $hour_offset ] : $this->hour_names_12[ date( 'G' , $time ) + $hour_offset ] ;
return sprintf(
$this->date_short_names[ date( 'j' , $time ) ] , // D
$hour4disp , // H
date( _PICAL_DTFMT_MINUTE , $time ) // I
) ;
// unixtimestamp
function get_middle_hi( $time , $is_over24 = false )
$hour_offset = $is_over24 ? 24 : 0 ;
$hour4disp = $this->use24 ? $this->hour_names_24[ date( 'G' , $time ) + $hour_offset ] : $this->hour_names_12[ date( 'G' , $time ) + $hour_offset ] ;
return sprintf(
$hour4disp , // H
date( _PICAL_DTFMT_MINUTE , $time ) // I
) ;
and the method in which the date is represented, is by the 'date' function. If you checkout:
http://php.planetmirror.com/manual/en/function.date.phpthere are plenty of examples. To get the format you want it is
$today = date("M j"); // May 21
NO to the Microsoft Office format as an ISO standard. Sign the