News 1.42 - removing date?
  • 2005/11/14 12:18

  • defwind77

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 180

  • Since: 2005/11/11

Ok I've got News 1.42 working nicely now and I want the news to be ordered by the date it was posted - everything works great!

However how can I *not* show the date on every single post I make? Currently my posts look like:

# [2005/11/14] blah blah
# [2005/11/14] more blah

On my homepage - however as I'm going to be posting multiple times a day and have around forty news articles viewable on the top page - I think this'll look totally messy!

So how can I simply have the news shown as:

# blah blah
# more blah

Many Thanks

Re: News 1.42 - removing date?
  • 2005/11/14 13:45

  • dickinsd

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 278

  • Since: 2004/11/14

You need to edit the template relating to the list of news items.

This list of items you mention, is this a 'Recent News Block'?

First, if you haven't done so already you need to clone the default template set as you are unable to make changes to the default templates.

Once you have cloned the default template set you need to go to general settings and choose your 'cloned' template set so that any changes you make to the template are reflected throughout the site.

Then go to the template manager go to News (press List next to News) then look for the template called:

news_block_new.html and click on EDIT

Alternativley try editing the template from within the blocks 'manager' get the list of all blocks available on you front page, look for the recent news block (or what ever you have called it on your site) click on the link to Edit, you should then see a link to edit template.

Look for something like: [<{$news.date}>] and remove this.
(in my case, this was found right at the bottom of the template for recent news)

It is found inside a
  • tag.


    EDIT: PS: Inside the
  • tag you should find if/else statements, first just try to remove [<{$news.date}>] if this does not wrok for you, just remove everything between
  • and
    I think that should do it for you.

  • 3
    Re: News 1.42 - removing date?
    • 2005/11/14 14:03

    • defwind77

    • Not too shy to talk

    • Posts: 180

    • Since: 2005/11/11

    superb - worked a treat and great instructions!

    Thanks again!


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