CBB 2.30 some issues
  • 2005/11/1 6:15

  • Tobias

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 172

  • Since: 2005/9/13

Just upgraded to cbb 2.30 under XOOPS 2.2.3 and getting this one when trying to post:

Notice [PHP]: Undefined variable: edit_user in file modules/newbb/class/post.php line 232

Also, at least for anonymous users, the name/email isn't remembered when previewing. Same problem? Known issues? My configuration problems?

In any case, it seems anonymous users are forced to enter some name or email? Can that be changed?

Then, I get some "no permission" message when trying to print a topic, even when logged in as admin.

Finally, how do I change the date/time format?

Thanks a lot!

Ahh, feel free to post a test message on one of my forums if those problems are somehow interesting.

Re: CBB 2.30 some issues
  • 2005/11/12 5:44

  • Tobias

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 172

  • Since: 2005/9/13

Anyone? Particularly the printing problem is something that surprises me a little. I go to the Chinese XOOPS site which, I understand, is somehow involved in the development of the CBB module and get what looks to me like the exact same issue: When trying to print from the drop down menu with the "Topic options", the only thing I get is "You don't have the right to view this topic" on a white page.

Printing through the new "transfer" interface works like a charm, just the old method doesn't do it anymore. I've set almost all permissions there are, with the exception of attachments and stuff.

Now, my browser's not good in displaying Chinese, and if it were, that would unfortunately not be too much of a help either. Otherwise I could ask there. So, any help appreciated.


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