So... here's what I was thinking....
I'm setting up a multigaming guild website.
For each various game, I'd like to have a seperate template/skin.
So, I was wondering.. isn't it possible in one way or another, to set a piece of code into a block that checks if one of the links are clicked, and if they are, then before that page is displayed, the template used on the site is changed?
That has to be possible in one way or another since the theme selector pretty much do that on the fly.
Could someone give me an example on a piece of code in a block that contains hyperlinks to content pages, AND changes the template on the site.
There naturally have to be a check to see if the template you wish you change to is already applied... no need to change it every time you click on a link.
I really hope someone can help me with this.
Thank you.