For the few that have seen my site/s
i have a few automotive enthus. site
when i left phpnuke for XOOPS it was a great move.
but i do miss the phpbb2 forums. because i had a addon that alowed my users to create the own gallery for the cars.
this add on was from the IPB module call ( Garage. )
i still have this addon for phpBB2, but the only way i know of it to work was by placing all my users into X-phpbb module.
and then editing this module to host the Garage addon.
but sence im running ( on 2 sites and ( on the other, this would not work the X-phpbb module only workis on the older XOOPS versions.
so the question i have is is there any on that can help me edite the bb in XOOPS , Create a new uptodate version of X-phpbb , or is there some will ing to take the time to show me or to make a module for this.
the file im talking about is here. [zip]
[1].1.2.zip]http://www.northernneons.com/includes/php_garage/php_garage-0[1][1].1.2.zipthe sites in talking about are.