#OOPS#o everyone,
i'm looking for someone who can help me figure this core hack. I'm creating somekind of Club Module, where my regular members can become part of "Sub communities". Users must register, and if moderator of this community accept, he receives permission to restricted pages.
The method i'm using is with the XOOPS Groups. I basicaly create a new group for every "clubs", and when someone becomes a member, their user profile receives that "Xoops group".
Now i'm looking for a way for the moderator to be able to give those special access... the only way i know of is with the admin backoffice... But there must be a way a "club leader" can "upgrade" a user with correct XOOPS group.
I really need this feature, and willing to pay someone to complete this. Thanks in advance!
Frederic Blanchet
President Connexions247.com