Image Handling Progs
  • 2005/10/14 21:42

  • skyrider

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  • Posts: 85

  • Since: 2004/6/8 1

There seem to be repeated requests for support on image handling progs that go unanswered. Is anyone working on one 'good quality' module (e.g. based on Coppermine) that is reliable and works out of the box?

Not complaining - I know the support is totally voluntary and I am all bar technically illiterate so I'm always grateful for help - but it'd be nice if there was a way of getting pics into a gallery in XOOPS without a hassle.

Other CMS's seem to be able to do it fairly easily but XOOPS modules are less common and it seems less stable.

I'd just wondering if there is a new module on the horizon
Australian Opinion... where comment counts!

Re: Image Handling Progs
  • 2005/10/15 5:09

  • rtdlost

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 5

  • Since: 2005/10/15

I'm in the same boat as you... It's frustrating looking all this extra stuff you have to download and figure out. I haven't really found any documentation that explains how it all fits together... though I'm sure it does...


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