I have noticed now that the shooping cart spree has started, probably for the need to make XOOPS a little more ecommerce and that's great news.
In my opinion oscommerce has all the whistles and if anyone want to develop a shoping cart for XOOPS it should be in that direction. having for instance the best sellers, specials, reviews, currencies, manufactures and categories in diferent blocks would help greatly to the distribution in the shopping page.
another thing that is needed is the integration of this with a payment system, and for this comes in mind some payment methos like paypal, egold, ebuillon, etc..
are the developers considering these into the module?
commenting on oscommerce, it has these functions:
Visitors Cart
Every visitor to the online shop will be given a 'Visitors Cart'. This allows the visitor to store their products in a temporary shopping cart. Once the visitor leaves the online shop, so will the contents of their shopping cart.
Members Cart
Every member to the online shop that logs in is given a 'Members Cart'. This allows the member to add products to their shopping cart, and come back at a later date to finalize their checkout. All products remain in their shopping cart until the member has checked them out, or removed the products themselves.
If a member adds products to their 'Visitors Cart' and decides to log in to the online shop to use their 'Members Cart', the contents of their 'Visitors Cart' will merge with their 'Members Cart' contents automatically.