Before two weeks or so, I’ve updated my XOOPS site from to 2.2.2. The transition was smooth and all the existing modules working nice.
Today, I tried to broadcast an email to my site’s registered users but it didn’t work.
Then, I tried to register a new test user and again the activation email never sent to the destination account…instead of that I got the following message:
“You are now registered. However, we were unable to send the activation mail to your email account due to an internal error that had occurred on our server. We are sorry for the inconvenience, please send the webmaster an email notifying him/her of the situation.”
By the way when I activated the PHP-debug the following message is displayed above all pages:
“Notice [PHP]: Use of undefined constant _NOT_NOTITYMETHOD_DESC –assumed ‘_NOT_NOTIFYMETHOD_DESC’ in file modules/system/xoops_version.php line 225”
Needless to say that in all these features were ok.
Is something I miss in the update procedure? Or should I set something new (like th blocks’ visibility)?or?
Thanks in advance for your valuable help!