You have some MAJOR overhead going on there...
What is the count of H or O entities that are in the dB? Are there significantly more or less entries than for other letters?
The function is exactly the same for any letter that you click on, so the fact that it's hurling on H & O leads me to believe that there is something aside from the alpha query (my code) causing your issues.
Try checking your data... one of the records may have something causing a MySQL or sanitization issue.
Try banging it around with myadmin and looking through your H & O records for something out of the ordinary...
Of course you could verify this by dumping all the H records and creating a simple H entry to test... if it works in alphaview, then you will know it is the data in one of the existing entries causing the problem. If this is the case, when you remove the offending record, all others should work fine.
If your using custom templates, try regenerating them...
Make sure the URL (in your browser status bar) is correct by comparing the URL for H & O to the other letters.
I have O & H entries in my test dB and it works just great, so it's not a problem with the alpha list code.