I have been very happy about the improvements in Xoops, but then these little things like the lack of a dependable calendar module always goofs things up for me.
I have pretty much abandoned piCal because GIJOE doesn't seem interested in it anymore, at least for North American users. The best 12 hour option you can get is for the am/pm to be BEFORE the time ("PM 3:30") which just confuses people. Add that to constantly screwing up time zones, and it just becomes unuseable.
ExtCal is the one I have been trying today for a church website. I don't need ANY timezone support, nor foreign language support, but I do need "all day" events without specific times, such as holidays, birthdays, etc. ExtCal cannot do it. I also need events which are just listed to start at a specific time and does not list an end time, because it is not known or not important ("10:00 am- Funeral"... ExtCal insists on listing an ending time, and its settings only go in 10 minute increments in 24 hour mode (an event starting at 6:15 pm has to be set as 18.10 or 18.20, and I can't tell you how many times I've set or thought "16.00" for 6:00 pm
If those two first options were present, extCal would be fine for me. I wish I knew how to program to help out, but I don't-- I'm an end-user geek. I would also like repeating events, but that frankly isn't as important.
But XOOPS looks pretty unprofessional without a good calendar module, included or otherwise. And get rid of those darn smiley faces as a base kernel option... serious websites have no need for them.
Grumpy today...