Take a look at its template add some txtline to it and/or adjust the used language file.
Do you mean the submit.php file. I found this line
redirect_header( $redirect_uri , 2 , _ALBM_RECEIVED ) ;
In the language file there is also a "tag"
define("_ALBM_ALLPENDING","Alle foto's worden na verificatie gepost.");
But this "tag" is only used in the language file and not in any other file within this module.
Resume: The _ALBM_RECEIVED "tag" is in the submit.php and laguage files and the _ALBM_ALLPENDING "tag" only in the language files.
So IMO it's possible to add this "tag" somewhere. But the main question is where ? (in the submit.php file ?)
As far I remember it is set by seconds, which is a setting in the preferences of this module or the concerned block. To let the image change take place, yes the page has to be reloaded, the image change will take place if the block has passed the set seconds.
Regrettable. I saw some examples showing the random image with a transition. Another module i guess.
BTW Why are these codeblocks so big
(greetings from the Netherlands)