Helgman wrote:
I'm in need of a few functions on a site I'm building for a friend of mine.
Her needs are somewhat specific, but I can always try and make her bend if there are no modules that match her need. She is very picky about the design - no extra icons, no extra anything. CLEAN AND SIMPLE, is what she is looking for, but yet easy to admin (otherwise ordernary .html would have worked for her).
1) A modules that will let me display information about a group of people (with pictures). The people should be displayed one after the other in a vertical line (in a center block). The presentations should be linked to sort of a photo-album/presentation (we have tried with "myalbum" and it might do the trick, we have run into some problems with it) of the artworks of every individual AND ... here comes the part that's importent:
2) One of the categories should have 12 subcategories (on of every month). I think the best way to do this is to have this one call a specific module since she wants it to accessable through a speciell navigation bar (where all main modules (open to anonymous users) should be found).
Not present.
During the last year these kind of question come in multiplied on the forum. Which means a lot of users would like to such a module.
I know Solo has been busy in trying to develope something like that, but I haven't the slidest idea what has happened to that project.
3) A module where she can post more text-based info about the things they are doing at who they are.
For this you can use several modules: edito, wfchannel, tinyd.
4) Sort of a simple news-module.
You can use the standard news module delivered within the XOOPS package. Or you install the news module 1.4
5) A really simple-"looking" link-module.
You can use the standard mylinks module delivered within the XOOPS package. Simple and no overkill.
Maybe even link me to pages with the modules in use.
On a lot of website you see still use the standard mylinks module.
As for the other modules: mostly you can see the modules in action at the developers website. Just run through the news/modules and you'll see what I mean.
Well ... thanks for your time,
EDIT: I'm hoping to run on a XOOPS 2.2 platform
The above mentioned modules wun within this version.
Grtz., Shine