WRONG code ! xoops load time and querys code
  • 2005/8/16 16:21

  • indream

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 170

  • Since: 2004/9/21

i m find this code in any template and i am use this code in my theme.html

bu when i use this code in my theme.html
my server cpu ram usage is highly !
and some times server down !!!

<{php}> echo round(($GLOBALS['xoopsLogger']->dumpTime()), 3)." sec, ".count($GLOBALS['xoopsLogger']->queries)." query";<{/php}>

what is wrong in this code ?

Re: WRONG code ! xoops load time and querys code

haven't experienced increased load on this.

Is it the same, if you enable the MySQL debug window? The same code is applied there.
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Re: WRONG code ! xoops load time and querys code
  • 2005/8/16 17:59

  • indream

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 170

  • Since: 2004/9/21

i m open a php debug
and clear templates_c and cache folder and try refresh.

load time and opened sql querys show code work,
but phpdebug not showing any error message

edit: my server windows, apache, mysql.

Re: WRONG code ! xoops load time and querys code
  • 2005/8/16 18:28

  • phppp

  • XOOPS Contributor

  • Posts: 2857

  • Since: 2004/1/25

I had been suffering from similar problems and it took me long time to figure out.
In the following case, memory consumption is tremendously high (for me it only happens with my Windows+apache+PHP) :

function_one(function_two(), $args);


function function_one($string, $args)
function function_two()
return $someString;

Then you have to change to:

$mystring = function_two();
function_one($mystring, $args);

I do not know what the cause is, beyond my PHP (or server config) knowledge.


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