Theme_changer and Xoops 2.2.1
  • 2005/8/13 9:55

  • cerbero

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 191

  • Since: 2003/9/11

seems like this great module doesn't work on XOOPS 2.2
could anybody make it functioning???

Re: Theme_changer and Xoops 2.2.1
  • 2005/8/14 12:15

  • cerbero

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 191

  • Since: 2003/9/11

Any help please?

Re: Theme_changer and Xoops 2.2.1

I am slowly trying modules for my 2.2.1 site and have just installed xt-temas (XT_Themes) successfully and it seems to be working fine, for me anyway, I am not sure if it is still in the module repository after the XOOPS site Hack!

Re: Theme_changer and Xoops 2.2.1
  • 2005/8/14 16:15

  • cerbero

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 191

  • Since: 2003/9/11

i'll try it asap, but think its not im looking for

Re: Theme_changer and Xoops 2.2.1

You could simply make a bunch of custom PHP blocks with the following content:
$GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['theme_set'] = "name_of_theme";

And set them visible on each module they should be in.
"When you can flatten entire cities at a whim, a tendency towards quiet reflection and seeing-things-from-the-other-fellow's-point-of-view is seldom necessary."

Cusix Software

Re: Theme_changer and Xoops 2.2.1
  • 2005/8/14 17:35

  • JMorris

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 2722

  • Since: 2004/4/11


I cannot speak for the others in this thread, but the main usefulness of the theme_changer module for me was the ability to specify custom META tags for each module of my site without needing to hard code a ton of if/else statements into my theme.

I'm working on hacking theme_changer 2.0 to do only META tags, but I'm not getting very far with it.

You know, you'd think by now I would have learned some php.
Insanity can be defined as "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."

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Re: Theme_changer and Xoops 2.2.1
  • 2005/8/14 17:48

  • cerbero

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 191

  • Since: 2003/9/11

Many thanks Myth

Re: Theme_changer and Xoops 2.2.1

I cannot speak for the others in this thread, but the main usefulness of the theme_changer module for me was the ability to specify custom META tags for each module of my site without needing to hard code a ton of if/else statements into my theme.


In aforementioned blocks or as separate ones.

But shouldn't that be part of the module? Taking pieces of the content and placing it as keywords and description?
"When you can flatten entire cities at a whim, a tendency towards quiet reflection and seeing-things-from-the-other-fellow's-point-of-view is seldom necessary."

Cusix Software

Re: Theme_changer and Xoops 2.2.1
  • 2005/8/14 20:40

  • JMorris

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 2722

  • Since: 2004/4/11


Please forgive my ignorance, but what is the point of the custom blocks?

Since the php would parse, but without echo'ing visible text, wouldn't that create an empty block with an empty title, thus giving just a emtpy box hanging out in cyberspace for no aparent reason.

Would it be better to include the code in your theme wrapped in smarty php tags?

$GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('xoops_meta_keywords'$keywordstring); $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('xoops_meta_description'$descriptionstring);

With $keywordstring, $descriptionstring, where would the dynamic values be coming from?

I've looked through all the modules I use and to be quite honest, it looks like I'd have to have quite a bit of code to account for each module's variables.

What I'm doing with the theme_changer module is essentially just removing any references to themes. Once that's accomplished, I'm speculating that all I'll have to do is include a relatively small amount of code in theme.html for the module to do it's job. Am I on the right path?

Thanks for all your help!

Insanity can be defined as "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."

Stupidity is not a crime. Therefore, you are free to go.

Re: Theme_changer and Xoops 2.2.1

wouldn't that create an empty block with an empty title, thus giving just a emtpy box hanging out in cyberspace for no aparent reason.

Not sure, I don't think so - but then you could add a
return false;
in which case the code would have been executed, but no block added to the theme variables.

Of course, the best solution would be to have a module with a block that executes some code, looks up the theme and meta tags to use on that page/in that module and assigns it to $xoopsTpl before returning false (again, block code that returns false will not create an empty block) but my idea takes very little code, can be done completely in the blocks administration and was mainly aimed at setting per-module themes.

Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.
"When you can flatten entire cities at a whim, a tendency towards quiet reflection and seeing-things-from-the-other-fellow's-point-of-view is seldom necessary."

Cusix Software


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