If you post the link to your site, someone might be able to help a little better.
But for now, let me see if I can clarify....
Open your website in your browser and navigate to your forum.
Make a not of one of your forum topics.
On a blank part of your page, right-click and select view source.
Search the source code for the forum topic you made a note of.
Look around the forum topic you found for something that looks like this =>> class="even" (the value in " " may be different).
Now look for a file with a .css extension in the CBB module folder.
If you find one there, search for the value you found inside the " " in your source code.
If you find the value, look for background-color:. Change the value to a color that looks better (in your case, black or #000000).
If you don't find a .css file in the CBB module folder, go to your theme folder and repeat the above steps with style.css.
Hope this helps.
Insanity can be defined as "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."
Stupidity is not a crime. Therefore, you are free to go.