Hi there,
Formulize, available on dev.xoops.org would fit that bill perfectly. We haven't put it in the module repository, since we still think of it as Beta, since the feature list for this phase of development isn't complete. But it's really stable and polished, so don't let the Beta tag scare you off.
I noticed your new project on dev.xoops.org, which intrigued me since it seemed similar to Formulize, so I sent you an e-mail. Then after looking for stuff you'd done on
http://www.xoop.org, I found this, so here's another message pointing you at Formulize, sorry if this seems like harassment! Just trying to get the information out there, and I thought this thread deserved a response for anyone who might happen across it in the future.
If you have development energy you were going to put into such a project, perhaps we can work together on some of the new features we're putting into Formulize. A roadmap will have to be produced soon....